IT, Programming, က‌ဗျာ, ဝတ္ထု, ဆောင်းပါး, သိုင်းဝတ္ထု နှင့် နည်းပညာစာအုပ်များ

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Learn CSS Programming in an easy way (1 MB)

1. Introduction to CSS
1.1 What is CSS
1.2 Why is CSS Needed
1.3 What Does CSS Do
1.4 How to use Style Sheets
1.5 Cascading Orders

2. Selectors, Properties, and Values
2.1 Defining HTML Elements with Selectors, Properties, Values, and Units
2.2 Saving Time With the Universal Selector
2.3 The Child Selector
2.4 The Adjacent Selector
2.5 The Attribute Selector
2.6 Properties and Values
2.7 Units

3. Colors, Text, and Backgrounds
3.1 Colors
3.2 Hexadecimal Notation
3.3 RGB
3.4 HSL and Alpha Transparency
3.5 Text

4. Images, Padding, Margins, and Borders
4.1 Images
4.2 The Box Model
4.3 Shorthand
4.4 Padding
4.5 Borders
4.6 Margins

Part II – Intermediate
5. Class, ID Selectors, with Grouping, Nesting, and Pseudo Elements
5.1 Classes and ID Selectors
5.2 Grouping
5.3 Nesting
5.4 Pseudo Classes

6. Shorthand Properties, Specificity, Pseudo Elements
6.1 Shorthand Properties
6.2 Specificity
6.3 Pseudo Elements

7. Box Display, Rounded Corners, Shadows, and Page Layout
7.1 Box Displays
7.2 Rounded Corners
7.3 Shadows
7.4 Page Layout

Part III - Advanced
8. Importing Style Sheets
8.1 The Link Tag
8.2 The @import Rule
8.3 The @media Rule
8.4 Embedding Fonts

9. Transitions and Gradients
9.1 Transitions
9.2 Selecting Multiple Properties
9.3 Gradients
9.4 Linear Gradients
9.5 Radial Gradients

10. Media Queries
10.1 Media Queries
10.2 Browser-Size Specific CSS
10.3 Orientations and Device Specific CSS

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